Thursday, May 2, 2013

Unwilling to Be Anything Less Than Great with WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Lamonte Lans

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Lamonte Lans on his promotion to Senior Representative.  Here are a few words from Lamonte about his journey to Senior Representative.

Following UNITED! 2013, Senior Representative, Lamonte Lans, is inspired and motivated to succeed, including helping his mother, younger brother, family and community. 

Also known as "Monty," Lamonte surrounds himself with his written goals, which he considers to be a significant aspect to achieving them.   

Retiring in a year, buying his mother a new home, creating generational wealth and changing 1 million lives are only a few of Monty’s future dreams. And with his current passion and determination, he’s on his way to accomplishing a number of great things. 

“I stay motivated by constantly reminding myself of my ‘whys,’” Monty says. “As long as my ‘why’ is strong enough, there’ll never be an obstacle big enough. The key tools to my recent success are going to every training, plugging in to my up-line, being coachable and never giving up. I learned that success is a team sport, and the same things that discourage an unsuccessful person are what motivate a successful person..” 

Unwilling to settle for anything less than the best, Monty joined WorldVentures in hopes of bettering his situation and inspiring others to do the same, leading by example. 

“I desire to be different than most individuals in my generation and beyond who live a conditioned lifestyle,” Monty says. “I’m motivated to be the proof that life offers more than the commonalities and mediocrities that our general society permits most people to see. I have a purpose in life.” 

Making the most of every situation, Monty sees difficulty as a challenge and something to defeat. 

“The greatest and most successful people in history and of today suffered the most failures, made the most sacrifices and step outside their comfort zone more often than anyone else,” Monty says. “With that said, go fail, go sacrifice and step outside of your comfort zone.” 

Empowered by what he has experienced through WorldVentures, Monty wants to help others attain success like he has. And “continuously add more quality to not only my life, but the lives of everyone else who decides that they deserve it,” Monty says. 

Very few days does Monty feel unmotivated;  however, if he should find himself feeling this way, he calls his up-line and listens to motivational audios, to re-inspire his fire. And remembering his “why” also excites him. 

“My family will value the truth of the significance of being a meaningful specific and not a wandering generality,” Monty says. 

Comparing his desire to succeed with wanting to breathe, Monty explains how his dedication to being great can be life changing for both him and those watching him also.  

“I know for a fact that if everyone navigated through life with this philosophy in mind and in heart, people would spend more time sharing reasons to be great rather than excuses for being average,” Monty says.

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