Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pacing Success with WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates 
Ignatios Aivaliotis
WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Ignatios Aivaliotis on his promotion to Senior Rep. Here are a few words from Ignatios about his journey to Senior Rep.
Senior Representative Ignatios Aivaliotis believes that persistence and patience are needed to achieve goals, and that he possesses both qualities, hence his success. Another factor he thinks has impacted his achievements is that of helping others which is also a lifetime goal of his.

In addition to buying a new car and home, Ignatios hopes to change the lives of 100 young students in the next five years by paying their tuition fees.

In order for someone to follow you, you must show them the way,” Ignatios says. “You have to be the leader, and take all the blame and problems in order to protect others. You just have to be the leader!”

Ignatios says that herealized the potential opportunity and took immediate action” when he first found WorldVentures, crediting none of his past accomplishments for impacting his decision to join. This could be the path Ignatios needs to do great things. “Work, work, work is the key, along with the trainings.”

Motivated by “life and a better way of living,” Ignatios hopes to attain financial freedom. And while enjoying the fruits of the business, he can appreciate the luxury of DreamTrips and “a chance to experience a 5-star hotel and taste all the services,” he says.

Much like a relay race, Ignatios is making connections and sharing the WorldVentures opportunity, working hard and doing everything possible to create a legacy.

Life is a marathon,” Ignatios says, referencing his favorite quote. “You have to use your mind, your heart and your body to the fullest in order to live a much better life!”

When Ignatios needs a little inspiration, he’ll go for a run in the forest near his home in Greece, all the while thinking of building bettering lives, including his own. 

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