Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Complementing Her Law Enforcement Position with WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Mindy and Chastity Angueira

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Mindy and Chastity Angueira on their promotion to Senior Representatives. Here are a few words from Mindy and Chastity about their journey to Senior Representatives.  

Senior Representatives Mindy and Chastity Angueira are basking in the excitement of their recent WorldVentures success, which nicely complements Mindy’s rewarding career as a New York City police officer. 

“I’ve always wanted more out of life,” Mindy says. “And being a police officer makes me feel that I’ve achieved a lot, especially since I’m giving back to my community. When I saw what WorldVentures does and could do for me, my family and friends, it was like placing gold in my hands.” 

Mindy credits “being real” for helping her attain Senior Rep status. She also attends trainings, learns from her mentors and listens to CDs, which “keeps me going and prepares me for giving live presentations.” She says it can be hard at times to stay motivated, but never forgets her “why.” “It keeps me going,” Mindy says. “Never lose sight of your goals and commit to your decision because if you don't, you’re only fooling yourself!” 

Expecting her life to be “forever changed for the better” because of WorldVentures, Mindy hopes to retire earlier than originally planned from the police department. She also wants to be financially free and spend more time with her family. “I always want my family to be taken care of,” Mindy says. 

Enjoying many rewards of the business, Mindy and her family look forward to taking a DreamTrip someday. 

“Unfortunately I have yet to take a DreamTrip, but from the looks of it, everyone is well taken care of and treated like family,” Mindy says. 

Now that she has found WorldVentures, Mindy wishes that she had learned much earlier in life to “take a chance” on herself. She wants to create a legacy of “giving my all in everything that I do, never quitting, and never saying you can't, because that just means you won't! I’d hate to look back and ask ‘What if?’” 

Although she experiences mostly motivated days, Mindy admits that she sometimes has to remind herself to keep going. 

“I take a deep breath, maybe have a glass of wine and remember ‘why’ I started in the first place,” Mindy says. 

And she does this daily while protecting the New York City streets.

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