Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Off-the-Court Leadership at WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Nic Wise

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Nic Wise on his promotion to Senior Representative.  Here are a few words from Nic about his journey to Senior Representative. 

As a former high-level collegiate and current professional basketball player, Senior Representative Nic Wise understands that strong leadership and motivation are requirements for a team to be successful. With his drive and “never quit” attitude, WorldVentures was the perfect opportunity for him to showcase his leadership skills—and to set himself up for the legacy he wants to leave behind.

“I remember every person I enrolled in these past few months, and know that I'm their leader,” Nic says. “If the leader is weak, soft and unmotivated, the team will follow.” 

Seeing behind-the-scenes of the athletic world and knowing some of the pitfalls are both huge motivators for Nic to keep himself and his team growing, focused on victory.

“I’m a professional athlete and know that 64 percent of all pro athletes go broke after they’ve finished playing,” he says. “I don’t want to be the next one. Passive residual income is the best type of income you can ever receive and I have that at age 25.”

As an athlete, Nic is extremely coachable and that has helped him succeed—and keep his eyes on the future and not just the moment.

“The most important thing I would pass on is to plug into the system and do it the way WorldVentures teaches us,” he says. “Don’t think your own way will get it done for you. WorldVentures will retire me from pro basketball earlier than expected and bring my family closer together with DreamTrips.” 

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