Monday, February 11, 2013

WorldVentures Congratulates Courtney Strickland

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Courtney Strickland on his promotion to Senior Rep.  Here are a few words from Courtney about his journey to Senior Rep.

WorldVentures: What were the key tools to your recent success and what did you learn?

Courtney Strickland: The key tools to my recent success is staying focused and not letting everyday life get in the way. I know what I want & I know that if I work hard enough I can obtain what I want and more.

WorldVentures: How do you stay motivated to continue to work so hard and move up the ranks?

Courtney Strickland: I stay motivated by prayer and listening to inspirational/ motivational audio such as Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I also love Bethany Webster & Johnny Wimbrey’s audio as well as Matt Morris and other successful World Venture Reps.

WorldVentures: Do you think your achievements in the past had an impact in your decision to join WorldVentures?  If so, how did your success impact your decision?

Courtney Strickland: I think I have been living an average life, making average money. My wife is a Registered Nurse and we own a barber shop. I’ve always been an entrepreneur. There was a part of me that was constantly yearning for more and that part of me allowed me to be open and go all in with World Ventures.

WorldVentures: What’s the single-most important message you want to send to new mobile-preneurs?

Courtney Strickland: Stay focused, attend ALL the trainings, and stay away from negativity. Surround yourself with positive, ambitious people.

WorldVentures: What impact do you expect WorldVentures to have on your life and the lives of others?

Courtney Strickland: This has been such a blessing to me & my family. I want to bless others and eventually become financially free.

WorldVentures: What are your 1 yr., 5-yr. and 10-yr. goals with World Ventures?

Courtney Strickland: My 1 year goal is not to be Director but Marketing Director. I will be RMD within 2 years and by the fifth year I will be IMD. I will continue to build and grow my team and by the tenth year I will be double IMD.

WorldVentures: If you do have days when you’re not motivated, how do you handle it?

Courtney Strickland: I know it’s unusual but for the most part, I am ALWAYS motivated. There are times when I get a little down because of drop outs but I refocus. I call my wife or a member of my upline and we motivate each other.

WorldVentures: What is the one piece of advice someone gave you that you wish you had known much earlier in life?

Courtney Strickland: When the going gets tough…hold on because something GREAT is about to happen. Anything worth having is worth waiting for, just keep planting seeds and eventually you will see growth.

WorldVentures: What legacy will you leave to your child/children/family? 

Courtney Strickland: I want my sons to know that they never have to settle for what society considers normal. Strive for the absolute best because that’s what they deserve.

WorldVentures: What tactic or strategy has had the biggest impact on the size of your check?

Courtney Strickland: I just keep showing. Some people are going to say no but I let them know that this thing we have is huge and they are missing out on their blessing if they pass this up. I let them know if they don’t want to do the business, that’s fine just travel and save some money.

WorldVentures: What do you feel sets DreamTrips apart from a regular vacation?

Courtney Strickland: Dreamtrips is the whole package!! You don’t have to figure out dates, the dates are there for you. You can choose whatever works best for you.  Also, if you want extras then you can pick a trip that has more “extras”. You also stay at great hotels every time!!

WorldVentures: What’s your favorite motivational quote and why?  

Courtney Strickland: My favorite motivational quote is “Identify your problems but give your time and energy to solutions” – Tony Robbins

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