Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Discovering His “Why” at WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Justin Williford

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Justin Williford on his promotion to Senior Representative.  Here are a few words from Justin about his journey to Senior Representative.

Though he had confidence, new Senior Representative Justin Williford sometimes found himself a bit hesitant to speak to others about his WorldVentures business. But, after finding his “why,” his fears have been laid aside as he works to achieve his own definition of fun, freedom and fulfillment.

“In regards to my recent success, some of my key tools were being able to throw away my fear of being judged for presenting this to my friends,” he states. “I also stay in constant contact with my upline for support and motivation.”

For new mobile-preneurs, Justin stresses the importance of identifying their “why” and also not letting anyone stand in the way as they pursue their dreams.

“Without my ‘why,’ motivation would have been absent,” he says. “I knew that if I wanted to create a better life for myself and one day for my family, something I was doing needed to change and WorldVentures provided me with that change. I always go back to my ‘why’ if I’m not feeling motivated. We all have to keep moving and not let one person’s rejection change your goals.”

Justin has very detailed goals for his future and how WorldVentures will help him achieve them and a sound piece of advice from iconic businessman Henry Ford that lights a fire under him and his team.

“In the next year, I want to become a Marketing Director,” he shares. “Within five years, my goal is to become a Marketing Director and after that, within 10 years, I’m aiming to become an International Marketing Director. Henry Ford said, ‘Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.’ I love this quote because the mind is such a powerful tool and convincing yourself you can do something is more than half the battle.” 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From Real Estate Go-Getter to Vacation Jet-Setter at WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Donna Henry

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Donna Henry on her promotion to Senior Representative.  Here are a few words from Donna about her journey to Senior Representative. 

As a real estate professional, new Senior Representative Donna Henry was a superstar, selling more than 30 homes in her first year. So, it’s no surprise that her tenacity and drive has made her just as successful in her WorldVentures business.

“When I saw WorldVentures, I thought ‘I’ve been working my tail off being in the middle of problem after problem in real estate,’ and this idea was so easy and fun,” she exclaims. “I still do real estate, but it’s challenging to jump into the problems when I have WorldVentures and it only brings me more fun, freedom and fulfillment!” 

Though she has obviously always been a “go-getter,” Donna really put her WorldVentures dreams in motion after attending a training event.

“Regional training lit me on fire,” she says. “I came home and became a professional inviter! To stay motivated, I listen to CDs in my car and I’m always looking forward to training events and parties. Staying around the positive people in WorldVentures is the key.”

WorldVentures has also provided Donna with an opportunity to vacation in a style she had never been accustomed to before.

DreamTrips are so different than regular vacations because you are spoiled and so well taken care of,” she says. “I’ve always searched for the cheapest hotel, which cannot compare at all with the four- and five-star resorts and how special you are made to feel on a DreamTrip. Until WorldVentures, I had never traveled like that!”

Within the next 10 years, Donna hopes to continue to ascend to the highest ranks of WorldVentures, helping thousands to have the same wonderful lifestyle she enjoys. But, it’s the legacy she wants to leave her daughter that will truly resonate for generations to come.

“I want to give my daughter a life of freedom so she can give back to the world in amazing ways, so no one around her is living in poverty” she says. “I want her to lead others in fun, freedom and to live a fulfilled life as well.”

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The Perfect Plan B at WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Indhira Casto 

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and MikeAzcue would like to congratulate Indhira Casto on her promotion to Senior Representative.  Here are a few words from Indhira about her journey to Senior Representative.

Working in education, new Senior Representative Indhira Castro spent her days surrounded by children. Though her work was noble, Indhira longed for something different that would allow her to spend time with her own 4 year-old daughter. That something “different” was WorldVentures.

“I needed a Plan B in regards to my income, but more importantly, I needed to find a way to buy back some of my time. I’ve been in education since 2004, spending more time with other people’s children. WorldVentures is the perfect Plan B for me, allowing me to spend more time with my child, take her on awesome trips and earn residual income.”

Indhira is well aware that if she is to continue to excel and have a successful team, she must continue to develop her leadership qualities.

“The key tools to my recent success are the trainings and personal development tools,” she shares. “Thanks to all of the training and reading I do, I realized that it all starts with me. If I want my team to be successful, I have to be successful. When you know the way, you go the way and you show the way and the rest will follow suit!”

As Indhira shows others how to travel around the world for less and the business opportunity in WorldVentures, she does follow the system she has learned, but also remains true to herself.

“The strategy that’s had the biggest impact on my success is simple—just being genuine in my approach,” she says. “I follow the system when it comes to inviting and sharing WorldVentures with people, but I am always myself. I am not a sales person, but with our deal, I never have to be! I get to be myself and share an awesome concept with my closest friends and family and help them without losing who I am.”

As an educator and leader for her WorldVentures team, Indhira is motivated by a fitting quote from Marianne Williams.

“’As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.’ I love this quote because it reflects my success in life and with this business. It’s rewarding to have an impact on those around you because you are bold enough to have an impact on yourself.”

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Harnessing His Dreams at WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Konstantinos Skordakis

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue would like to congratulate Konstantinos Skordakis on his promotion to Director.  Here are a few words from Konstantinos about his journey to Director.

Losing a job is a common motivator for many WorldVentures’ Independent Representatives to focus on their business with renewed enthusiasm. For Konstantinos Skordakis, an economic stall in his native country was a deciding factor and his promotion to Director is a direct result of his hard work.

“I have my own business in Greece,” he explains. “But the economic situation of the country made everything difficult. I sometimes think if there was not such a big problem with my business, that I wouldn’t have such a big ‘why’ and I wouldn’t have tried to succeed in WorldVentures.”

For Konstantinos, keys to his success are quite simple – team work and belief in himself. Ironically, the simplicity of the WorldVentures’ concept can sometimes prove his biggest hurdle when introducing the business and products to others.

“The idea is so simple – vacations and money–that everyone is trying to find the catch,” he laughs.  “It’s difficult for some to understand that this idea is so simple.”

Konstantinos stays motivated by constant thoughts of his team and what he can do as a leader to continue to help them improve their lives.

“WorldVentures came into our lives to change them,” he says. “There is economic freedom for those who believe and understand the idea. I know I have to succeed to change my life and my team members’ lives.”

With WorldVentures, Konstantinos has chosen a path to take hold of his dreams and knows that there is a freedom in that choice that many have not taken. But, he strongly advises that they should.

“Everything is in our hands,” he says. “I know I no longer have to wait on anything from anyone. Follow your dreams, be inspired and take your life in your hands.” 

From Laid Off to Taking Off at WorldVentures

WorldVentures Congratulates Karen Goins

WorldVentures Co-Founders Wayne Nugent and MikeAzcue would like to congratulate Karen Goins on her promotion to Senior Representative.  Here are a few words from Karen about her journey to Senior Representative.

On December 7, 2012, Karen Goins was a victim of a company lay off, forcing her departure after 14 years of service. Though the news would be devastating to anyone, Karen, a new Senior Representative with WorldVentures, used her misfortune as momentum to grow in other areas.

“That was the triggering event for me to hit the ground running and build this business,” she says. “I am a single mom with two sons and I want to build this business so that time and money will no longer dictate our lives.”

Before being laid off, Karen worked as many as 70 hours a week in software sales and, understandably, loved to travel when she had the opportunity. After joining WorldVentures with the intention to only save on vacations, she calls her decision to invest in the business for an additional $100, a “no-brainer.”

“I started going to the training events and realized I could one day replace my income,” she says. “I wanted to be able to spend more time with my boys and buy some of my time back.”
To help direct her focus, Karen believes strongly in attending WorldVentures training events and taking time to invest in the one person most people tend to neglect.

“The best investment you can make is in yourself,” she implores.  “I read 10 pages a day in a self-development book and spend 15 minutes a day listening to a self-development CD. You have to surround yourself with successful people and not let anyone steal your dreams!”

WorldVentures has already made a huge impact on Karen’s life and she continues to look forward to what the future brings and the legacy she will leave to her sons.

“I believe that if we continue to follow our leaders and plug into the training system, there is no limit to the amount of time and freedom we can create for ourselves and others,” she says. “I want to be able to give my children the best gifts in life that money cannot buy.”